Commiskey-Wheat Detachment #1073
Marine Corps League, Department of Mississippi

Meeting Minutes Docs

6:00 PM18:00

January 2024 - General Meeting

Roll Call of Officers:     

Commandant:  Charlie Sheely                                                            Absent; Excused

Senior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson                                     Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                          Present

Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison                                                            Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  W.C. Maples                                                                 Present

Web Sgt:  Kelsey McCarty                                                                   Absent

Junior Past Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                   Absent


NOTE:  Twenty-five (25) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.


Quorum:  At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and

appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members

must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members

present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any

matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.

Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.

Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.

Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.


1.    Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the    

Pledge of Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Adjutant Robert Hall.

4.  In the absence of Commandant Sheely, Senior Vice Commandant Hugh Robinson welcomed

     everyone to tonight’s meeting. 

     a.  Judge Advocate Clif Addison informed everyone that only current members and current

          associates are allowed to remain. All others must leave the room.

     b.  One attendee was neither of the above, but was presented an application to fill out and be

           allowed to remain.

     c.  Several Applications for Associate Membership tonight. They are: Diane Hansen, Tony Petro,

     and Cheri Smith. Acting Commandant Hugh Robinson requested all three assemble in front of the

     room as he performed the Oath of Membership for Associate members.  The entire room

     erupted in a resounding round of applause. Welcome aboard!

   5. Minutes from 2 November 2023:  Mark Retcho motioned to abstain reading those  

       Minutes, as they have been emailed to the membership. Clif Addison seconded.  Motion


  6. Correspondence:  Adjutant Robert Hall read the following:  #1 Thank you card from Carolyn

      Pressley, thanking Detachment 1073 for their donation to the Homes of Hope, in honor of her

      mother Carolyn Welborn. Carolyn’s late husband David Welborn was a Life member of this

      Detachment and a past Detachment Commandant.  #2 Thank you card from Homes of Hope

      thanking our Detachment for our gracious donation of $100 in memory of Carolyn Welborn.                          

 7.  Paymaster’s Report

     a. Dr. Chuck Junek started informing the membership about the current Financial Report.  Robert

         Robertson motioned to not allow Dr. Junek to discuss the Financial Reports. After a short period

         of time, Robert Robertson withdrew his motion. My notes reflect W.C. Maples and Leslie

         Hendrickson wanted Dr. Junek to hold his report to no more than five minutes. Reason being

         various Financial Reports are placed on a table for members to pick up and absorb on their own.

     b.  Dr. Chuck Junek provided handouts to all attendees, including: #1 Detachment’s Checking

          Account, ending 31 December 2023; #2 Detachment 1073 Budget, FYE 30 Jun 2024; #3 Gun

          Raffle Recap; #4 2023 Marine Corps Ball Recap; #5 2023 Golf Tournament Recap.

          All five handouts will be attached to the 4 January 2024 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.

     c.  Leslie Hendrickson supported Dr. Junek providing detailed information to the Detachment.

     d.  My handwritten Minutes reflect no one motioned to accept the Paymaster’s Report.

  8.  Sick Call Report:

     Jim Reeves:

    a.  Commandant Sheely absent tonight, as his son was dealing with a 103-degree temperature.        

    b.  Rocky Hartfield informed he is scheduled for surgery today.

    c.  Smokey Hartfield informed he was sick today and could not attend.

    d.  David Hill is in Mobile, Al today having an MRI, requested by his Parkinson’s doctor.

    e.  Lucky Martin was present at tonight’s meeting. Lucky has been dealing with eye issues lately.

9.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Senior Vice Commandant Robinson asked if anyone had

     any hours to turn in. Adjutant Hall maintains this data on his computer. This vital info is used

     when creating our Detachment Quarterly Report, a requirement by MCL Dept of Mississippi.

   10. Golf Tournament:  Adjutant Robert Hall stated several Golf Committee members will visit two

          golf courses and seek prices for golfers, plus food costs. Once this is accomplished, the

          Committee will meet and revise/update this year’s 2024 Golf Tournament brochure. Once

          approved, 250 to 300 brochures will be printed for distribution.

   11.  Honor Guard:  No Report.  

12.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

     a.  Mark Retcho mentioned the Ball Committee needs to look at reducing overall costs.

     b.  Dr. Junek informed the membership the Detachment budgeted $5,000. The overall cost, per

     Dr. Junek, was $5,800.

     c.  Keep in mind the Ball is not a money-making event. We keep the cost per person as low as

     possible to allow everyone the opportunity to be part of celebrating the Marine Corps birthday.

     d.  Van Alford volunteered to assist on the Ball Committee.

13.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.                                                      

 14.  Old Business:  No Report.

 15.  New Business:

       a.  Upcoming Rifle Raffle: #1 Van Alford is donating a Ruger 22 caliber long barrel rifle. Thank you,

       Van! #2 Tony Petro is donating an M-1 Garand rifle. The rifle belonged to his father, Eddie, a

       Marine. Thank you, Tony!

       b.  Jeff Davis suggested maybe having two separate rifle raffles down the road.

       c.  Building Manager’s Report by Clif Addison: Clif met with an engineer in regards with the

       flooding issues the Detachment has experienced.

       d.  Mary Draughn talked about the recent Wreaths across America at Highland Cemetery. Mary is

       under the impression the local D.A.R. Chapter may be considering ceasing their involvement. That

       being the case, Mary Draughn suggested Detachment 1073 take responsibility for Wreaths across

       America in Hattiesburg.  Mary Draughn and Lyn Franklin are more than willing to guide us on this

       new venture. Remember: We are honoring deceased veterans.  

       e.  Mark Retcho talked about fundraising via a cruise. Per Mark, the Detachment would go

       through a travel agent and get vouchers and use anytime.  Mark knows more about this than the

       members do. Mary Draughn suggested maybe tickets to be $100 (just a suggestion).

       f.  Someone talked about having two (2) gun raffles.  Lyn Franklin suggesting tabling the gun raffle

       discussion until the 1 Feb meeting.

       g.  W.C. Maples suggested it would be wise to have a Gun Raffle Committee to oversee the

       events. My Minutes reflect no one volunteered themselves to be part of the Gun Raffle


       h.  Associate member Cynthia Junek was recognized. Cynthia talked about the Super Bowl

       football pool to raise additional funds for the Detachment. Cynthia created a football pool board

       on the wall in the rear of the building.

       i.  Lyn Franklin was recognized. Lyn informed everyone she is the Historian for your Detachment.

       Lyn asked everyone to share articles and/or photos to help preserve the Detachment history. Lyn

       has knowledge in this area. Lyn is counting everyone’s input and support.

       j.  Leslie Hendrickson suggested disbursing toys collected next time.

       k. Senior Vice Commandant Robinson asked Clif Addison to speak briefly about last month’s Toy

       Drive.  Over 150 toys were collected.  Clif coordinated with the Lamar County Sheriff’s

       Department, who in turn found worthy, needy children. That is what Christmas is all about.

       Makes you feel good, knowing you are helping a needy family have a joyous Christmas.

       l.  Clif Addison introduced Wayne White, manager of Lowe’s, Hwy 98. 

       m.  Mary Draughn was recognized. Mary informed everyone about the recent commissioning of

       the USS Jack H. Lucas Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer (DDG-125). This special event took place on 7

       Oct 2023 in Tampa, FL. Also attending was Clif Addison.  Mary showed everyone a beautiful

       photo of the ship.  Mary also had the program for the commissioning.  An awesome book Mary

       held will be donated to the Detachment.  Thank you, Mary, for explaining the significance of


       n.   New Associate Cheri Smith was recognized. Cheri thanked Detachment 1073 for allowing her

       to be part of a great organization.

       o.  Clif Addison informed everyone he has caps for sale. Cost is $20 per cap. $5 of the sale

       goes to the Detachment.     

       p.  Emil Zimmermann was recognized. Emil informed everyone if you are between 70%-90%

       disabled, you need a letter to renew your vehicle tag.  Questions? Contact Emil.

       q.  Van Alford was recognized. Van said if anyone has questions about the VA system, ask him.

       r.  Lyn Franklin was recognized. Lyn mentioned for the third time at Highland Cemetery, a

       veteran’s headstone is in disrepair.  City of Hattiesburg, in charge of the cemetery, is not

       authorized to do anything.  Sadly, no living relatives for this veteran to seek help. Lyn said the

       veteran is buried in Section 15, Row 12.  Lyn is asking for anybody in the Detachment to meet her

       at Highland, survey what needs to be done, and hopefully bring the headstone back close to its

       original condition. In closing, Lyn is counting on one of us to act. Clif Addison offered his services.

       Also, Jeff Davis offered his services. Thank you, Clif, and thank you, Jeff!!

16.  Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently

        deceased Marines. They were:  Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, Clifton “Red” Ratcliff,

        Vernon B. Bunnell, and James (Jim) Aust.

17.   Senior Vice Commandant Robinson requested Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples declare the meeting   

         officially closed.  The American flag was retired.

18.   Junior Vice Commandant Mark Retcho recited closing remarks.

19.   Next official meeting will be Thursday, 1 Feb 2024, when it will be re-opened

         for the transaction of official business.                                               

20.   Meeting concluded at 1924 hours.


Respectively Submitted

Robert Hall, Adjutant

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

September 2023 - General Meeting

Detachment 1073 Minutes     Date: 14 September 2023          Time: 1830 hours

Roll Call of Officers:     

Commandant:  Charlie Sheely                                                            Present

Senior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson                                     Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                          Present

Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison                                                            Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  W.C. Maples                                                                 Present

Web Sgt:  Kelsey McCarty                                                                   Present

Junior Past Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                   Absent


NOTE:  Twenty-three (23) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.


Quorum:  At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and

appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members

must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members

present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any

matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.

Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.

Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.

Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.


1.  Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the Pledge of    

      Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Adjutant Robert Hall.

4.  Commandant Sheely welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

     Several Applications for Membership tonight. They are: Anthony “Tony” Ortega and Anthony

     Smith. Welcome aboard, Marines!

     NOTE: Smokey Hartfield was previously approved by the membership to join. Smokey joined

     Tony and Anthony to be sworn in.

     Clif Addison motioned to accept the two Marines. W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed.

     Chaplain Jim Reeves gave a special prayer for the  new Detachment members.

     NOTE:  One new member was absent tonight, that being Marine Keith Oubre. Gerald Rice and

     Robert Hall can vouch for Keith, as we have both known Keith for many years. Keith plans to

     attend the 5 October meeting, at which time, he will be sworn in.

   5. Minutes from 3 August 2023:  W.C. Maples motioned to abstain reading those Minutes. 

    Jeff Davis seconded.  Motion passed.  

    6.  Correspondence: 

            a.  Adjutant Robert Hall read a letter from Veterans Outreach thanking Detachment 1073 for the

              recent donation to their organization. This gift will be used to carry out personal help    

              programs for our veterans residing in the MS State Veterans Home in Collins.

         b.  Received a thank you note from Associate Jimmy Cabler thanking Detachment 1073 for

               scholarship money for his granddaughter Riley G. Garrison. Riley will be entering nursing

               school soon at Mississippi University for Women and said the money is of tremendous help.                     

 7.  Paymaster’s Report

     a. Dr. Chuck Junek read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 31 August 2023.  The

         statement will be attached to the 14 September 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s


     b. Dr. Junek also informed the membership he had produced and went in detail about

          a Profit and Loss from 1 to 13 September 2023.  NOTE: This is an addendum to the normal

          monthly report. The Addendum Report will be attached to the 14 September 2023 Minutes in

          the Adjutant’s binder.

     c.  Dr. Junek informed everyone National MCL states we have twenty (20) unpaid members.

     d.  Per Dr. Junek, his records show the Detachment has four (4) unpaid members.

     e.  W.C. Maples motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report.  Clif Addison seconded.  Motion


  8.  Sick Call Report:

     W.C. Maples briefed everyone that Gerald Rice’s wife was in the Emergency Room earlier today

     dealing with AFib, but is now home.

     Jim Reeves informed the members about Walter Cook’s daughter with a very serious surgery.

     Walter requested everyone pray for a positive outcome for his daughter.

     Robert Hall talked to member Dick Hoerner recently. Dick said he is considered legally blind.

  9.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall encouraged all members to email to

       him any event pertaining to the Detachment, including date, mileage and total hours included.

       Adjutant Hall further stated he intends to maintain the Detachment Quarterly Report and submit

       in a timely manner to Department Adjutant.   

   10. Golf Tournament:  Chairman Charlie Sheely recognized W.C. Maples for going over and beyond

          the call of duty for the tremendous work he has done in numerous, numerous solicitations for

          donations. W.C. humbly thanked the Commandant, BUT made it abundantly clear this year is the

         final year he will participate. Chairman Sheely personally challenged EVERYONE to pitch in and do

         their part in soliciting for sponsor donations.

         Remember: We own your building now. It would behoove us one and all to do your part.

           One for One and All for All is our motto!

           Clif Addison placed golf brochures on the table for anyone desiring to solicit.

11.  Honor Guard:  Chairman Charlie Sheely informed everyone Detachment 1073 was well

        represented at Life Member Jim Aust’s funeral. The Detachment provided a live plant

        for the family. Thanks to all who attended.  

12.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

     a. This year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 November 2023.  Kelsey McCarty informed everyone this year’s

         2023 Ball will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on W. 4th Street.

    b.  Semi-Formal dress. Red Jackets if you have one, but you must wear the appropriate required

         clothing to make it official.

    c.  Color Guard will wear the undress uniform.

    d.  Social begins at 1800 hours, followed by the banquet at 1830 hours.

    e.  Price per person will remain $35.00.

13.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.                                                      

 14.  Old Business:  No Report.

 15.  New Business:

       a.  Dr. Junek talked about a FUNDRAISER! A Superbowl Pool and College Championship is being

            discussed. $25 per square.  Dr. Junek motioned to move on this, as the Detachment now must

            continue with fundraisers.  Bob Cox seconded. Motion passed. 

       b.  The next order of business was swearing in three new officers. They are as follows:  Charlie    

             Sheely as Commandant; Hugh Robinson as Senior Vice Commandant; and Mark Retcho as    

             Junior Vice Commandant. For the record, W.C. Maples was also sworn in, as he was absent     

             previously. Swearing in was conducted by Judge Advocate Clif Addison. Thank you, Clif.

             Thank you, Charlie, Hugh, and Mark for allowing the Detachment to be fully staffed.

             We look forward to the wise guidance of Commandant Sheely in the coming remainder of the


       c.  Commandant Sheely spoke eloquently to the membership. It is an honor and serve     

            Detachment 1073. Commandant Sheely reminded everyone the Marine Corps League is the      

           only Congressionally chartered United States Marine Corps-related veterans’ organization in the

           United States.  Its congressional charter was approved by the 75th Congress and signed by

           President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 4 August 1937.

           Commandant Sheely then read the actual charter.

      d.  A member asked about the status of Past Detachment Commandant Andrew Baggott.

           Commandant Sheely assured everyone Andrew is OK, as he personally visited with Andrew     

           shortly after his resignation. Rest assured. Andrew feels better with passing the torch to   

            another Marine.

      e.  Dr. Junek informed the members at this moment, he, Dr. Junek, is the only Marine authorized   

            to sign checks. Dr. Junek further expressed his concern to modify the checking account.

            Remove Andrew Baggott’s name from the checking account.

            Add Charles L. Sheely to the checking account.

            Retain Dr. Junek’s name on the checking account.

            Dr. Junek motioned to all the above.

        W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed.

       f.   Clif Addison informed everyone we must vacate the Storage Unit NLT 30 September 2023.

            Clif stated we need humans to help expedite this project. The move will take place this    

            Saturday, 16 September. We will meet at 0900 hours. Address is 5224 Old Hwy 42,   

            Hattiesburg, across from the old Hercules. The name of the facility is SQUARE-SPACE

            STORAGE. Clif asked for volunteers. Clif also said he and one other Marine will each bring a    

            truck and trailer. Main items are four or five file cabinets plus one wall locker. One trip should  

            do it. We will then proceed to returning to the new building and place where required.

      g.  Dr. Junek requested the Sergeant-at-Arms distribute copies of a proposed Budget. Dr. Junek    

           reminded everyone we now own this building and it is now crucial we have a Budget to guide us

           on the Detachment’s expenditures. Dr. Junek put a lot of time and effort in this Budget. Notice

           there are Columns for “YTD,” “Last Year,” “Annual,” and “Monthly.” Dr. Junek motioned to 

           accept the proposed budget. Robert Robertson seconded. Motion passed.

           The proposed Budget will be attached to the 14 September 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s

       binder. Thank you, Dr. Junek, for your attention to detail.

      h.  Dr. Junek informed everyone Detachment 1073 is a 501c4 organization. No deductions allowed   

           on taxes.  

     i.   Clif Addison, having returned from the MCL National Convention, presented Commandant  

          Sheely with a battle streamer, to be placed on the Detachment’s USMC flagpole.

     j.  Clif Addison informed everyone the Detachment’s Board of Trustees, on behalf of Detachment

         1073, presented a $500 check to Hulett-Winstead Funeral Home to go towards offsetting funeral

         costs incurred from Jim Aust’s funeral expenses. Clif also mentioned the Marine Corps    

         Foundation assisted financially in this matter.

     k.   Mary Draughn and Lyn Franklin spoke in detail about the upcoming Wreaths across America on

           Saturday, 16 December 2023, at Highland Cemetery on W. 7th Street. Ceremony start time is     

          1100 Hours (11 a.m.). Per Mary, as of today, 1,100 wreaths have been purchased. Both Marines  

          have walked the entire area of Highland Cemetery, which is rather large. Eleven of the thirty-

          nine sections have been covered. Mary asked for volunteers to assist herself and Lyn.

      l.  The future USS Jack H. Lucas (DDG 125) will join the active fleet on 7 October 2023, with a

          commissioning ceremony in Tampa, FL. Thanks, Clif, for informing us. Smooth sailing for Ruby

          Lucas in her travels.

      m. Membership cards were presented to Ben and Mary Draughn and Lyn Franklin. Lyn has dual   


      n.   Gerald Rice was absent tonight. Adjutant Robert Hall has Gerald’s Paid Life Member card.

      o.  Stewart Ellington told everyone he has a car he desires to give to a fellow Marine. Stewart’s

            intentions are to transfer into our Detachment from another Detachment. Looking forward to  

           your joining, Stewart.

      p.  Hot Rods for Heroes:  Takes place on Saturday, 16 September in Brandon. Since no one

           volunteered, Chuck and Cynthia Junek graciously agreed to cover this event. Thanks, Chuck and


          q. Laurel Gun Show: Two-day event, Saturday, and Sunday, 23 and 24 September. To date,     

              Charlie Sheely, Hugh Robinson, W.C. Maples, plus Ben and Mary Draughn will be working.    


      r.  Pecan Festival: Dates are 29 Sep-1 Oct 2023 (Fri-Sun) at Fulmer’s Farmstead in Beaumont,

           MS.  Thanks to Dottie Robertson, the Detachment has a spot at no charge!

           Once again, we set up a booth to sell rifle raffle tickets. Last year, we signed up several

           Marines who joined our Detachment. We intend to do the same recruiting this year. To date,    

           Ben and Mary Draughn, Lyn Franklin, Robert and Dottie Robertson, Charlie Sheely, Chuck and   

           Cynthia Junek, Clif Addison and Mark Retcho will be working. Thanks!

16.  Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently

        deceased Marines. They were:  Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, Clifton “Red” Ratcliff,

        Vernon B. Bunnell, and James (Jim) Aust.

17.   Commandant Sheely requested acting Sgt at Arms Clif Addison declare the meeting officially


         The American flag was retired.

18.   Senior Vice Commandant Hugh Robinson recited closing remarks.

19.   Next official meeting will be Thursday, 5 Oct 2023, when it will be re-opened

         for the transaction of official business.                                               

20.   Meeting concluded at 2002 hours.


Respectively Submitted

Robert Hall, Adjutant


View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

October 2023- General Meeting

Roll Call of Officers:      

Commandant:  Charlie Sheely                                                            Present

Senior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson                                     Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                          Present

Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison                                                            Absent

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  W.C. Maples                                                                 Absent

Web Sgt:  Kelsey McCarty                                                                   Present

Junior Past Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                   Absent

NOTE:  Seventeen (17) in attendance, per the sign-in roster. 

Quorum:  At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and 

appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members 

must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members 

present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any

matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.

Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.

Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.

Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum. 

  1. Acting Sgt at Arms Smokey Hartfield secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the    

Pledge of Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Adjutant Robert Hall.

4.  Commandant Sheely welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

     Several Applications for Membership tonight. They are: Henry Arceneaux and George Brown. 

     Welcome aboard, Marines!

     Commandant Sheely had the honor in swearing in Marines Henry Arceneaux and George Brown.  

     Both Marines are Vietnam vets. Welcome home, Brothers!   

     Chaplain Jim Reeves gave a special prayer for the new Detachment members.      

   5. Minutes from 14 September 2023:  Robert Robertson motioned to abstain reading those  

       Minutes. Hugh Robinson seconded.  Motion passed.  

    6.  Correspondence:  No Report.                            

 7.  Paymaster’s Report:  

     a. Dr. Chuck Junek read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 30 September 2023.  The 

         statement will be attached to the 5 October 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.

     b.  Per Dr. Junek, his records show the Detachment has eight (8) unpaid members. 

     c.  Mark Retcho motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report.  Bob Cox seconded.  Motion 


  8.  Sick Call Report:

     Jim Reeves gave an update on Walter Cook’s daughter.

     Walter requested everyone pray for a positive outcome for his daughter.

     NOTE: Walter informed Adjutant Hall his daughter’s health is improving and is at home. Her

     Vision has returned. She will start radiation treatments soon.

     Rocky Hartfield is present tonight. Rocky is feeling better, but asked for continued prayers.

     Smokey Hartfield is present tonight. Smokey had bloodwork done Monday, along with his AFib, 

     but is asking for continued prayers. 

  9.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall encouraged all members to email to 

       him any event pertaining to the Detachment, including date, mileage and total hours included.

       Adjutant Hall recently submitted the Detachment Quarterly Report to Department Adjutant for    

       period July to September 2023. Adjutant Hall further stated he intends to maintain the   

       Detachment Quarterly Report and submit any relevant veteran support in a timely manner to 

       Department Adjutant.    

   10. Golf Tournament:  Chairman Charlie Sheely reminded everyone this year’s Jack Lucas Golf 

          Tournament is next Monday, 9 October. Volunteers are seriously needed to make this fun.      

   11.  Honor Guard:  No Report.  

12.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

     a. This year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 November 2023.  Kelsey McCarty informed everyone this year’s 

         2023 Ball will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on W. 4th Street. 

    b.  Semi-Formal dress. Red Jackets if you have one, but you must wear the appropriate required 

         clothing to make it official.

    c.  Color Guard will wear the undress uniform.

    d.  Social begins at 1800 hours, followed by the banquet at 1830 hours.

    e.  Price per person will remain $35.00.

    f.   Invitations will come by snail mail. Please respond with your check in a timely manner.

13.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.

 14.  Old Business:  No Report.

 15.  New Business:

       a.  Associate member Cynthia Junek was recognized. Cynthia talked about the Superbowl Pool. 

       Cynthia suggested having only one of these pools this time. $10 per square. $100 will be awarded 

        at the conclusion of each quarter. Four (4) people could win $400 for the Superbowl game. Date 

        of Superbowl is 11 Feb 2024. Mark Retcho motioned to conduct one (1) game per year at $10 

        per square. John Lofton seconded. Motion passed.

        NOTE: Cynthia is confident this will be an easy way to raise funds, as we have fiscal 

        responsibilities facing us, with building expenses and insurance. 

        b.  Henry Arceneaux spoke about the Collins Veterans’ Home. Henry is the Chaplain at Collins 

        Veterans’ Home. Henry stated there are veterans at the Collins Home in need of a regular 

        Wheelchair. If anyone out there can help, let Henry know. Henry stressed walkers and 

        crutches, for safety’s sake, ARE NOT NEEDED.

        c.  Henry Arceneaux invited Chaplain Jim Reeves to any Wednesday prayer service.

        d.  Henry Arceneaux did state the veterans need t-shirts and white socks.

        e.  Commandant Sheely said he and his family are leaving tomorrow for a family reunion

        in Louisiana.

        f.  Smokey Hartfield was recognized. Smokey informed everyone about Navy Seal John

        Stephens. John has heart problems. John currently resides at Brookdale Assisted Living,

        Apt. 226, located off S. 28th Avenue. No one looks after him. His family has abandoned him.

        Smokey is paying his cell phone monthly bill. A love offering was passed around. $150 was 

        collected. John’s family has Power of Attorney, which means they have control over his


        g.  Dr. Chuck Junek motioned for Clif Addison to be the chair for the Building Committee. Hugh 

        Robinson seconded. Motion passed. Those interested in assisting Clif, inform Dr. Junek.

        h.  Dr. Junek informed everyone our Detachment needs to seriously consider submitting a 

        name for Department Marine of the Year. Adjutant Robert Hall motioned for that person to

        be Dr. Chuck Junek. Robert Robertson seconded. Motion passed.

        i. Hot Rods for Heroes: Thanks to Dr. Chuck Junek and his wife Cynthia for volunteering their 

        time selling rifle raffle tickets.

        j.  Laurel Gun Show: Thanks to Charlie Sheely, W.C. Maples, Leslie Hendrickson, Smokey

        Hartfield, Ben and Mary Draughn, and Lyn Franklin for volunteering their time selling rifle

        raffle tickets. 

        k.  Pecan Festival: Thanks to Ben and Mary Draughn, Lyn Franklin, Robert Robertson, Charlie

        Sheely, Clif Addison, Mark Retcho and Robert Hall for volunteering their time selling rifle

        raffle tickets.         

16.  Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently

        deceased Marines. They were:  Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, Clifton “Red” Ratcliff,

        Vernon B. Bunnell, and James (Jim) Aust.

17.   Commandant Sheely requested acting Sgt at Arms Smokey Hartfield declare the meeting officially closed.       

         The American flag was retired.

18.   Senior Vice Commandant Hugh Robinson recited closing remarks.

19.   Next official meeting will be Thursday, 2 Nov 2023, when it will be re-opened 

         for the transaction of official business.                                               

20.   Meeting concluded at 1935 hours.

Respectively Submitted

Robert Hall, Adjutant

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

August 2023 - General Minutes

Detachment 1073 Minutes     Date: 3 August 2023          Time: 1811 hours

Roll Call of Officers:

Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                                        Present

Senior Vice Commandant:  Charlie Sheely                                       Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson                                     Present

Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison                                                            Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  W.C. Maples                                                                 Present

Web Sgt:  Kelsey McCarty                                                                   Present

Junior Past Commandant:  Robert Robertson                                Present


NOTE:  Twenty (20) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.


Quorum:  At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and

appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members

must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members

present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any

matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.

Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.

Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.

Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.


1.  Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the Pledge of    

      Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Andrew Baggott.

4.  Commandant Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

     No applications for membership tonight.

   5. Minutes from 1 June 2023:  Clif Addison motioned to abstain reading those minutes. 

    Jeff Davis seconded.  Motion passed.  

    6.  Correspondence: 

        a.  Adjutant Robert Hall read a card from Twentieth Star, DAR, thanking Detachment

        1073 for its generous donation towards Wreaths across America. Hattie Phalen

        encouraged all of us to join together at Highland Cemetery on Saturday, 16 December, to

        placed wreaths on veterans’ graves.                    

 7.  Paymaster’s Report

 a. Dr. Chuck Junek read the Detachment’s Checking Accounts, ending 30 June and 31 July

     2023.  Both statements will be attached to the 3 August 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s


b.  Dr. Junek informed everyone Detachment 173 assisted at the Wildlife Extravaganza. Their

      assistance is very much appreciated.

c.  Dr. Junek motioned that Detachment 1073 cut a check in the amount of $500 to

     Detachment 173.  W.C. Maples seconded.  Motion passed.

d.  Clif Addison motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report.  Jeff Davis seconded.  Motion


  8.  Sick Call Report:

     Hugh Robinson briefed everyone on Rocky Hartfield. Rocky is not recovering very well and

     is in a lot of pain.

     W.C. Maples briefed everyone on Gerald Rice’s wife’s health issues. Gerald cannot leave

     her alone. That is why Gerald cannot attend the meetings.                               

  9.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall turned in to Commandant

           Baggott numerous past events for documentation.         

   10.  Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely encouraged all Marines to pitch in and seek

          donations from Golf Sponsors.  To make this a success, please help!!

          Adjutant Robert Hall placed golf brochures on the table for anyone desiring to solicit.

11.  Honor Guard:  No Report.     

12.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

a. This year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 November 2023.  Kelsey McCarty stated there will be

     further updates at the 7 September meeting.

13.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.                                                      

 14.  Old Business:  No Report.

 15.  New Business:

  a.  Adjutant Robert Hall, for record, read the entire proposed Quorum amendment, which will

       be voted on tonight. Robert Robertson motioned to accept the Quorum amendment as

       read. W.C. Maples seconded.  Motion passed. The exact wording can be found at the

       beginning of the Minutes.

 b.  Clif Addison was recognized and proceeded discussing the possible acquisition of the

       building. The County cannot outright give us the building. The Detachment must submit a

       bid. Lamar County will run a two-week notice in the newspaper, as required by law. The

       actual bid submission takes place on Thursday, 24 August, at 1000 hours.

 c.  W.C. Maples was recognized and asked about rules. Does Lamar County have to accept the

      highest bid? Clif replied saying the Detachment will prepare a high and low bid. Suddenly,

     Commandant Baggott started hollering at W.C., telling him end of discussion while banging the

     gavel. Clif Addison, Charlie Sheely and Robert Hall asked the Commandant to tone it down. As the

    drama continued one Marine quickly left the meeting. This conduct disrupted the remainder of the

    meeting. There was a sense of unrest in the air.

d.  Jeff Davis stated it is worth it to stay at our current location.

e.  W.C. Maples reminded everyone the Detachment would be obligated to pay any taxes plus

     utilities. W.C.’s concern are the expenses will kill us.

f.  Jeff Davis motioned we do a high bid of $30,000 and a low bid of $12,000. Bob Cox

     seconded. Call for a vote. Motion passed. Bottom line: Do not bid over $30,000!

g.  Hugh Robinson asked if the building had flooding problems.

h.  Clif Addison will re-submit next year to the State Legislature to request monies to resolve

     flooding issues.

i.  Charlie Sheely motioned that the Detachment do its homework, to include a yearly

      budget, plus research costs to be incurred.  W.C. Maples seconded.  Motion passed.

      No NAYS.

j.  Emil Zimmermann reminded everyone the previous occupants was Lamar County VFD.

     Clif Addison will ask Grant Hartfield, Lamar County Rep, about tax costs.

k.  Gene Christen said if we buy the building and get in a bind, we can still sell, if needed.

l.  Clif Addison further stated this building is rated COMMERCIAL.

 m. Jeff Davis stated he will purchase the building if we cannot afford it.  

 n.  Mark Retcho motioned that $300 be approved for Beauvoir on the MS Gulf Coast.

      Dates are 10-12 November 2023. Money is needed to purchase trophies. W.C. Maples

      seconded.  Motion passed. This is the first year for the ongoing event.   

o.  2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK.  Dates are 14-18 Aug

     2023.  This year is the 100th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League. 

p.  2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA.  No dates were provided.

q.  Wildlife Extravaganza: This event was a resounding success! Thanks to Clif, Chuck and

     Charlie, as they volunteered their time all three days.

r.  Pecan Festival: Dates are 29 Sep-1 Oct 2023 (Fri-Sun) at Fulmer’s Farmstead in Beaumont,

     MS.  Thanks to Dottie Robertson, the Detachment has a spot at no charge!

     Once again, we set up a booth to sell rifle raffle tickets. Last year, we signed up several

     Marines who joined our Detachment. We intend to do the same recruiting this year.

s.   Lucky Martin spoke about the benefits from a Scholarship. Lucky’s son is now a doctor,

     working at the Pentagon. All this because of qualifying for a scholarship.

t.   Jeff Davis mentioned a Marine from California needed a set of dress blues for L/CPL. Jeff

      did not know if our Detachment could help. A member suggested Jeff contact the Marine

       and seek help from a California MCL Detachment.  Size needed is: Trousers 30x32;

       Jacket 38R.    

16.      Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently

            deceased Marines. They were:  Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, and Clifton “Red” Ratcliff.   

17.      Commandant Baggott requested Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.       

            The American flag was retired.

18.      Senior Vice Commandant recited closing remarks.

19.      Next official meeting will be Thursday, 7 Sep 2023, when it will be re-opened

            for the transaction of official business.                                               

20.      Meeting concluded at 1910 hours.


Respectively Submitted

Robert Hall, Adjutant





View Event →
6:00 PM18:00

May 2023 - General Meeting

  • 660 Weathersby Road Hattiesburg, MS, 39402 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Roll Call of Officers:

Commandant: Andrew Baggott Present

Senior Vice Commandant: Charlie Sheely Present

Junior Vice Commandant: Hugh Robinson Present

Judge Advocate: Clif Addison Present

Adjutant: Robert Hall Present

Paymaster: Dr. Chuck Junek Present

Chaplain: Jim Reeves Present

Sgt. at Arms: W.C. Maples Present


Junior Past Commandant: Robert Robertson Present

NOTE: Twenty (20) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.

1. Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, and led in singing

the Marine Corps hymn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3. Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Baggott.

4. Commandant Andrew Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

No applications for membership tonight.

5. Quorum: Minimum number of members were present tonight to

make the proceedings of the meeting valid.

Quorum: 15% of the Detachment’s membership must be present when voting occurs.

Our current membership number is “54”; therefore, 8.1 or 8 members must be present

to vote on any matter.

6. Minutes from 2 Mar 2023: Clif Addison motioned to abstain reading those minutes.

Jeff Davis seconded. Motion passed. I approve the minutes not being read.

7. Correspondence:

a. Received a letter from Veterans Outreach of Mississippi thanking us for our generous

quarterly donation in support of The Veterans Home in Collins, MS. They apologized for

the late acknowledgement of our donation, and stated their grieving loss of their founder,

Brother James Carroll Sanford, Sr. Signed by Kim Crosby Ashton, Treasurer, Veterans Outreach.

8. Paymaster’s Report:

a. Dr. Chuck Junek passed out and read the Detachment’s Checking Accounts, ending 31 Mar,

as well as 30 Apr 2023. Both statements will be attached to the 4 May 2023 Minutes in

the Adjutant’s binder.

b. Dr. Junek informed everyone once again he has printed rifle raffle tickets to issue to all

Marines at tonight’s meeting. Please see Dr. Junek after the meeting.

c. Gary Campbell motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report. Jeff Davis seconded. Motion


9. Sick Call Report:

Chaplain Jim Reeves had nothing to report.

Adjutant Robert Hall informed the Detachment that Marine Gerald Rice is having health

issues, plus Gerald’s wife is having health issues. Keep both in your prayers.

10. Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall submitted completed forms

for those who were present for the funeral of WWII Marine Clifton “Red” Ratcliff.

11. Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely encouraged all Marines to pitch in and seek

donations from Golf Sponsors. To make this a success, please help!!

12. Honor Guard:

Many thanks to the Marines who took turns standing watch at Marine “Red” Ratcliff’s

casket during visitation. A special thank you to Mary Draughn for her kind words to

everyone present, prior to the funeral. Red’s daughter Vivian and her brothers were

very grateful and appreciative for our presence to an outstanding WWII Marine.

13. Marine Corps Birthday Ball:

a. Chairman Andrew Baggott reminded everyone this year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 Nov. It will

take place at Holiday Inn Hattiesburg-North.

b. Chairman Baggott spoke briefly about the Ball Committee.

14. Scholarship Committee: Chairman Robert Hall stated that the Detachment should be

receiving Riley G. Garrison’s transcript for the Spring 2023 semester, at which time, the

Scholarship Committee will determine payment to be made.

15. Old Business: No Report.

16. New Business:

a. A big thank you to everyone attending our recent Crawfish Boil at the new location.

b. 2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18 Aug

2023. This year is the 100 th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League.

c. 2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA. No dates were provided.

d. Past Department Commander Clif Addison spoke about this year’s MCL State Convention

which was held ay the I.P. Casino Resort Spa in Biloxi. Had a great turnout. Devil Dog Growl

was great. Thanks to those who attended.

e. Clif Addison spoke about the Marine Corps League Foundation. This program helps with

scholarships within the Marine Corps League. Clif Addison motioned that the Detachment

donate $100. Charlie Sheely seconded. Motion passed.

f. PLM (Paid Life Member): National Headquarters is increasing (doubling) the cost. First

increase in numerous years. Adjutant Robert Hall emailed the Detachment, stressing the

importance to take action. The new price increase takes effect 1 Jul 2023. Please

understand your paperwork must be in Paymaster Dr. Junek’s before 30 Jun 2023. This

MUST BE POSTMARKED BY MIDNIGHT 30 JUN 2023 for the less expensive charge.

Refer to the email sent on 24 April 2023 if you are in doubt.

Gerald Rice is the only Marine to take advantage of this.

g. Past Department Commander Clif Addison presented two streamers to Detachment

Andrew Baggott. The streamers will be placed on the Detachment flagstaff, along with

other streamers.

h. Past Department Commander Clif Addison asked his daughter, Kelsey McCarty, an

Associate in our Detachment, to step forward and receive this year’s 2023 Department

Associate of the Year. Kelsey was unable to attend the Department Convention for the

Presentation. Congratulations, Kelsey!

i. Mention was made the Marine Corps League has scholarships for grandchildren.

j. Memorial Day 2023 (Monday, 29 May): Adjutant Robert Hall will email and remind

everyone to be present as we pay our respects to Medal of Honor Henry Commiskey, Jack

Lucas, and Roy Wheat.

k. Memorial Day 2023 (Monday, 29 May): City of Hattiesburg’s 40 th annual Memorial Day

Program will take place at Veterans Memorial Park. More details later. Please wear the

undress uniform OR red polo shirt with your MCL cover.

j. Commandant Baggott talked about our Detachment participating in this year’s Veterans Day

Parade. Commandant Baggott asked Adjutant Robert Hall to investigate registering to


k. Clif Addison spoke about the building we are currently occupying. Please keep this quiet!

The building is not ours yet! Per Clif, another person has put a bid on this building. Clif is

Staying in contact with the county. In July of this year, the new Lamar County Sheriff’s

substation will be up and running. At that time, our building will cease being “the sheriff’s

substation.” When the time comes, Clif will request all of us attend the Lamar County

Supervisor’s meeting, wearing our red polo shirts and red covers. Per Clif, the bid being

offered is not that high. The Detachment could counter-offer, if voted for approval.

Hopefully in due time the building will be ours. No State funding this year from the county

to assist us. It will be re-submitted next year.

l. Leslie Hendrickson was recognized. Leslie informed everyone the Saturday, 8 Jul get

together at his house has been re-scheduled for the following Saturday, 15 Jul. Info will be


m. Clif reminded everyone about YANKY 72: Yearly memorial is scheduled for Saturday, 8 Jul.

Detachment 1073 played a big part in paying tribute to those Marines who lost their

lives. Thank you, Clif, for taking charge!

n. MCL National Convention was discussed. Location is Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18

Aug. Topic of reimbursement came up. Commandant Baggott asked Adjutant Hall to read

the Detachment Bylaws addressing guidance, which he did. Robert Robertson said he is

available. Mary Draughn stated herself and Lyn Franklin will attend the Convention

irregardless of Bylaws guidelines. Commandant Baggott will not be attending. Detachment

Judge Advocate Clif Addison will be attending the National Convention in an official capacity

and will therefore qualify for reimbursement, as stated in Section 615 (Expenses).

o. Wildlife Extravaganza: Dates are 28-30 Jul 2023 (Fri-Sun) in Pearl, MS. Clif Addison talked

about our Detachment will have a booth selling rifle raffle tickets, as well as recruiting new

blood. The booth is already paid for. We need volunteers to assist all three days. A couple

of hours here and there will give those working all three days a short break.

p. Pecan Festival: Dates are 29 Sep-1 Oct 2023 (Fri-Sun) at Fulmer’s Farmstead in Beaumont,

MS. Robert Robertson will contact Fulmer’s and request a better location than last year.

Once again, we set up a booth to sell rifle raffle tickets. Last year, we signed up several

Marines who joined our Detachment. We intend to do the same recruiting this year.

q. Vet Fest: Date is Saturday, 20 May (Armed Forces Day), starting at 1000 hours, Town Square

Park, 101 Buschman Street, Hattiesburg. Another opportunity to sell rifle raffle tickets and

recruit new blood. We need volunteers! Dr. Junek will arrive at 0900 hours to set up our

selling rifle raffle tickets.

r. Mary Draughn talked about providing veteran goody bags. Another suggestion from Mary

was having thank you cards and/or Christmas cards present at some of our rifle raffle events

and ask visitors to sign the cards, where allowed. The cards can be presented to veterans.

Great morale booster idea, Mary!

s. Jeff Davis mentioned an upcoming event at Beauvoir. Dates are 10-12 November. Free booth

available at Beauvoir if anyone is interested. Thanks, Jeff.

t. Kelsey McCarty was asked about the status of our Detachment’s website. Kelsey requested

photos for each officer. She will post on the website. Kelsey said the website is only as good

and relevant she receives from the Detachment. Maybe some communication protocol can

be worked out to ensure approved info is posted.

Web address is:

u. Kelsey McCarty talked about our CD. Paymaster Dr. Junek stated our CD matures in July.

Dr. Junek stated we, the Detachment, will vote in June on what action we choose to take,

Once the CD matures.

v. FACEBOOK can be used to access Detachment info. Jeff Davis said photos can be sent to

Kelsey for the Detachment’s website.

w. Hugh Robinson informed everyone about Marine Rocky Hartfield. Please keep Rocky in

your prayers and for better days ahead.

x. Jeff Davis has a Marine Corps 5-Ton truck. Will bring to a later meeting for show and tell.

The vehicle will have Marine Corps logo on it.

y. As of 1 Jul 2023, you can acquire two car tags, plus a motorcycle tag, for the cost of $1 each.

You must have 70% or greater disability to qualify. BRING PROOF OF DISABILITY!

17. Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of the


18. Commandant Baggott requested Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.

The American flag was retired.

19. Sergeant at Arms W.C. Maples recited closing remarks.

20. Next official meeting will be Thursday, 4 Jun 2023, when it will be re-opened

for the transaction of official business.

21. Meeting concluded at 1916 hours.

View Event →
6:00 PM18:00

March 2023 - General Meeting

Roll Call of Officers:

Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                                        Present

Senior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                         Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  David Hill                                                Present

Judge Advocate:  Mark Retcho                                                          Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  Charlie Sheely                                                              Present

Web Sgt:  VACANT

Junior Past Commandant:  Robert Robertson                                Absent 

NOTE:  Fourteen (14) in attendance, per the sign-in roster. 

1.  Acting Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors and led in singing        the Marine Corps hymn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Baggott.

4.  Commandant Andrew Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

     No applications for membership tonight.

5.  Minutes from 2 Feb 2023:  Mark Retcho motioned to abstain reading those minutes.  

     Jim Reeves seconded.  Motion passed. I approve the minutes not being read.

  Correspondence:  No correspondence this meeting.                          

6.  Paymaster’s Report:  

 a. Dr. Chuck Junek passed out and read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 28 Feb 2023.  This statement will be attached to the 2 Mar 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.

b.  Dr. Junek informed everyone he has printed rifle raffle tickets to issue to all Marines at tonight’s meeting.  

c.  Dr. Junek brought the rifle to be given away.  The ticket states it is a Remington Model 700 ADL, 6.5mm Creedmoor, with a 3x9 Vortex Scope.  Every Marine is encouraged to sell raffle tickets, please.  One ticket is $5 or 5 tickets for $20.  The drawing will be held at this year’s Marine Corps Ball on Saturday, 18 Nov 2023.  Thanks to Clif Addison for purchasing the weapon on behalf of our Detachment.  

d.  Jim Reeves motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report.  W.C. Maples seconded.  Motion passed.  

   7.  Sick Call Report:

Chaplain Jim Reeves had nothing to report, but asked Robert Hall to brief everyone on the death of WWII Marine Clifton E. “Red” Ratcliff.

Adjutant Robert Hall briefed on the following: Red’s daughter, Vivian, informed me of Red’s death on Wednesday, 1 Mar 2023.  Red was 97 years young.  Red was the last WWII veteran in Detachment 1073.  Commandant Baggott encouraged all Marines to attend Red’s funeral on Monday, 6 Mar 2023.  We intend to have Honor Guards standing by Red’s casket during visitation.  

   8.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: No Report.

   9.  Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely informed everyone Robert Hall has this year’s golf brochure tonight.  

10.  Honor Guard:  No Report.

11.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

a. Chairman Andrew Baggott reminded everyone this year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 Nov.

12.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.     

 13.  Old Business:  No Report.

 14.  New Business:

a.  Department Commandant Clif Addison will preside over swearing in the new slate of officers for the upcoming term.  All incoming officers were present, except for Junior Past Commandant Robert Robertson.  For the record, those officer’s names were listed in the 2 Feb 2023 Minutes.  Thanks, Clif, for swearing in the newly appointed officers.

b.  2023 MCL State Convention will take place at Imperial Palace, Biloxi.  Early Birds arrive on 27 April.  Convention is 28-30 April. The Banquet will take place at Boomtown Casino, Biloxi.  

c.  Commandant Baggott mentioned the following:  An upcoming crawfish boil will take place at Clif Addison’s home.  This event will be in lieu of the April Detachment meeting.  Everyone agreed to do so. Family, friends, and potential new members are encouraged to attend.  

d.  202MCL National Convention Commandant Clif Addison spoke about the recent Mid-Winter Conference in Norfolk, VA.  Several new items of interest came to be.  They are:

     1.  Quorum:  15% of the Detachment’s membership must be present when voting occurs. Our current membership number is “45”; therefore, 6.75 or 7 members must be present to vote on any matter.

     2.  Officers present:  51% on Detachment officers constitutes a quorum.  Our Detachment 

          has eight officers; therefore, 4.08 or 4 officers meets the quorum criteria.

     3.  S.E. Division Conference takes place in Charleston, SC.  Dates are 16-19 Mar 2023.

     4.  2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK.  Dates are 14-18 Aug 

          2023.  This year is the 100th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League.  

     5.  2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA.  No dates were provided.

e.  Commandant Baggott informed everyone our Detachment will have a new tentative location for monthly meetings starting 4 May.  It is Oak Grove Senior Center, 5874 W. 4th Street, Hattiesburg.  At this location, we can serve food, if desired.  Meetings will still take place on the first Thursday.  NOTE:  1800 hours for chow and/or shoot the bull; 1830 hours is starting time for meeting.  Robert Robertson has a key to the building.  At the new location, we can stay longer if business matters linger on.  We are required to clean up before we leave the building.  Dr. Junek motioned for the Detachment to move to the Oak Grove Senior Center on W. 4th Street.  Hugh Robinson seconded.  Motion passed.  

f.  Clif Addison then informed the Detachment that plans are in the works to acquire a vacate building on Weathersby Road, owned by Lamar County.  Clif has been working diligently with the Lamar County Board of Supervisors to allow our Detachment to have a new, permanent home of our own.  Still in talks, but looks very promising, per Clif.  This Jun 2023 will be the earliest to confirm our acquisition.  STAY TUNED!

g.  Commandant Baggott will appoint two Marines to accompany Clif to look sat the property.  Charlie Sheely and Dr. Junek have agreed to accompany Clif for an evaluation.  

h.  Clif Addison discussed the Young Marines Program.  This program is highly encouraged by MCL National Headquarters.  A former Marine, retired GY SGT, employed by C-Spire, has agreed to head this up when we acquire the Weathersby Road location.  Per Clif, minimum age is eight years old, open to both boys and girls.   

i.  Rocky Hartfield mentioned there have been shootings lately in the Weathersby Road area.

j.  Clif Addison added in regards to meetings:  Make it fun.  They will come.

k.  Mark Retcho mentioned a Gun Show will take place this weekend in Laurel.  Dr. Junek stated in past years neither the Laurel nor Hattiesburg Gun Shows yielded very little as far as raffle ticket sales.

l.  Clif Addison motioned our Detachment needs to purchase an ad for the upcoming MCL S.E. Convention to offset expenses incurred by the host.  Clif will work on the wording prior to submission.  Walter Cook seconded.  Motion passed.  

m.  Emil Zimmermann talked about the U.S. Park Service free veteran lifetime passes.  Traveling?  Consider a federal facility.  Free admission for a entire vehicle.  “Yearly Pass” or “Lifetime Pass” preferred. 

15.      Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of the 


16.      Commandant Baggott requested acting Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.       

            The American flag was retired.

17.      Acting Sergeant at Arms W.C. Maples recited closing remarks.

18.      Next official meeting will be Thursday, 4 May 2023, when it will be re-opened 

            for the transaction of official business.    


19.      Meeting concluded at 1854 hours.

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6:00 PM18:00

February 2023 - General Meeting

Roll Call of Officers:

Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                                        Present

Senior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                         Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  David Hill                                                Present

Judge Advocate:  Mark Retcho                                                          Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  Charlie Sheely                                                              Absent

Web Sgt:  VACANT

Junior Past Commandant:  Robert Robertson                                Present 

NOTE:  Fourteen (14) in attendance, per the sign-in roster. 

1.  Acting Sgt at Arms Jeff Davis secured quarters, presented the Colors and led in singing        the Marine Corps hymn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Baggott.

4.  Commandant Andrew Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.

     No applications for membership tonight.

5.  Minutes from 5 Jan 2023:  Hugh Robinson motioned to abstain reading those Minutes.  

     W.C. Maples seconded.  Motion passed. 

  Correspondence:  No correspondence this meeting.                          

6.  Paymaster’s Report:  

 a. Dr. Chuck Junek passed out and read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 31 Jan 2023.  This statement will be attached to the 2 Feb 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.

b.  Dr. Chuck Junek informed everyone our rental unit insurance coverage is now $2,500.  Previously was $2,000.  Monthly insurance now is $12 monthly.  Prior to that was $10.  The original monthly charge was $8.  It is what it is. 

   7.  Sick Call Report:

Chaplain Jim Reeves briefed on the following: (a) Art Kersh is now residing at the Collins Veterans Home. Sadly, Art is showing signs of Alzheimer’s.  Collins Veterans Home does, in fact, have an Alzheimer’s unit.  Hopefully Art will be OK.  

Adjutant Robert Hall briefed on the following: (a) “Red” Ratcliff (WWII) is doing fine, per his daughter Vivian.  Red is doing OK, but on occasions, is having a rough time.  Red is getting weaker, per Vivian.  Red sleeps a lot during the day.  Red will turn 98 years young on 9 May.  Prayers for our last living WWII Detachment 1073 Marine.

   8.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: No Report.

   9.  Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely was absent.  Adjutant Robert Hall stated he and Charlie will meet very soon and review and update the 2023 Golf Brochure for publication.

10.  Honor Guard:  No Report.

11.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

a. Chairman Andrew Baggott reminded everyone this year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 Nov.

12.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.     

 13.  Old Business

    a.  Commandant Baggott informed everyone the Detachment still lacks a Sergeant-at-Arms for the next upcoming term.  This is an appointed position.  After a brief silence from those present, W.C. Maples volunteered to be the new Sergeant-at-Arms.  Commandant Baggott thanked W.C.

  b.  Commandant Baggott informed everyone the following officer’s positions are voted on by the membership.  They are:  Commandant, Senior Vice Commandant, Junior Vice Commandant, and Judge Advocate.    

14.  New Business:

a.  Dr. Junek made mention Clif Addison will be acquiring a weapon for our upcoming rifle raffle.  Dr. Junek asked to be informed when the weapon is purchased so he can get raffle tickets printed with the pertinent info on each ticket.   

b.  2023 MCL State Convention will take place at Imperial Palace, Biloxi.  Early Birds arrive on 27 April.  Convention is 28-30 April. The Banquet will take place at Boomtown Casino, Biloxi.  

c.  Commandant Baggott informed everyone our Detachment will have a new location for monthly meetings in the very near future.  It is Oak Grove Senior Center, 5874 W. 4th Street, Hattiesburg.  At this location, we can serve food, if desired.  Meetings will still take place on the first Thursday.  NOTE:  1800 hours for chow and/or shoot the bull; 1830 hours is starting time for meeting.  Robert Robertson has a key to the building.  At the new location, we can stay longer if business matters linger on.  

d.  Mark Retcho motioned to table the vote to re-locate our meetings.  Emil Zimmermann seconded.  Motion Passed.  Final vote to re-locate will take place at the 2 Mar monthly meeting. If passed, the Detachment will meet at the new location, starting on 6 April.

e.  Our current location requires us to depart no later than 1900 hours.  Very nice facility, but we are under a time crunch.

f.  Reminder:  Upcoming 76th Southeast Division Conference will be held in Charleston, SC.  Dates are 16-19 March 2023.  

g.  Leslie Hendrickson kindly offered his home for consideration if the Detachment chooses to have a summer picnic in July.  Leslie was not impressed with last year’s location.  Leslie mentioned not 4th of July weekend.  Commandant Baggott asked for Detachment feedback.  Jeff Davis motioned the date of Saturday, 8 July at 1400 hours.  No discussion.  Bob Cox seconded.  Motion passed.  

h.  W.C. Maples mentioned he had visited various local car dealerships and banks.  W.C. suggested approaching these businesses with golf team category competitions. The Golf Committee will determine if enough interest is generated to pursue awards.

i.  W.C. Maples suggested trophies for those winners mentioned previously for each of the three categories:  Car dealerships, Insurance companies and banks.  This new concept will generate more participation and competition from additional foursomes.  

j.  W.C. Maples motioned for three separate trophies for any of the three new competitors; i.e., Car dealerships, Insurance companies and banks.  Mark Retcho seconded.  Motion passed.  

k.  Jeff Davis amended that three or more industries would only receive one trophy.  Dr. Chuck Junek motioned to insert new verbiage in this year’s 2023 Golf Brochure and limit to one sentence!  Jeff Davis seconded.  Motion passed.  

l.   The Detachment will award our Business Trophy to the one business with the best score.

m. Industries with three or more teams will compete for one trophy amongst themselves.

n.  Commandant Baggott requested the Golf Committee present 2023 golf brochures at the 2 Mar meeting.  The Committee will strive to do so.

o.   Jeff Davis did not volunteer his military vehicle for this year’s Veterans’ Day parade.  Jeff plans to volunteer his vehicle at next year’s 2024 parade.  Charlie Sheely previously volunteered his truck and trailer for the Detachment to ride on for this year’s parade.  This will provide visibility of our existence in the parade route.

p.   Commandant Baggott encouraged the entire Detachment to be present at this year’s Veterans’ Day program, downtown Hattiesburg.  Commandant’s comment:  Only himself and Robert Hall have attended the yearly program.  

q.  Officer Elections:  Commandant Baggott reminded everyone swearing in of new slate of Officers takes place at the 2 Mar meeting.  This has been be done prior to the State Convention in April.

r. Commandant:  Andrew Baggott

    Senior Vice Commandant:  Charlie Sheely

    Junior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson

    Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison

    Adjutant:  Robert Hall

    Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek

    Chaplain:  Jim Reeves

    Sgt. At Arms:  W.C. Maples

    Web Sgt:  VACANT

    Junior Past Commandant:  Robert Robertson  

15.      Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of the 


16.      Commandant Baggott requested acting Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.       

            The American flag was retired.

17.      Acting Sergeant at Arms Jeff Davis recited closing remarks.

18.      Next official meeting will be Thursday, 2 March 2023, when it will be re-opened 

            for the transaction of official business.                                                                                 

19.      Meeting concluded at 1849 hours.

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