Roll Call of Officers:
Commandant: Andrew Baggott Present
Senior Vice Commandant: Charlie Sheely Present
Junior Vice Commandant: Hugh Robinson Present
Judge Advocate: Clif Addison Present
Adjutant: Robert Hall Present
Paymaster: Dr. Chuck Junek Present
Chaplain: Jim Reeves Present
Sgt. at Arms: W.C. Maples Present
Junior Past Commandant: Robert Robertson Present
NOTE: Twenty (20) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.
1. Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, and led in singing
the Marine Corps hymn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.
3. Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Baggott.
4. Commandant Andrew Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.
No applications for membership tonight.
5. Quorum: Minimum number of members were present tonight to
make the proceedings of the meeting valid.
Quorum: 15% of the Detachment’s membership must be present when voting occurs.
Our current membership number is “54”; therefore, 8.1 or 8 members must be present
to vote on any matter.
6. Minutes from 2 Mar 2023: Clif Addison motioned to abstain reading those minutes.
Jeff Davis seconded. Motion passed. I approve the minutes not being read.
7. Correspondence:
a. Received a letter from Veterans Outreach of Mississippi thanking us for our generous
quarterly donation in support of The Veterans Home in Collins, MS. They apologized for
the late acknowledgement of our donation, and stated their grieving loss of their founder,
Brother James Carroll Sanford, Sr. Signed by Kim Crosby Ashton, Treasurer, Veterans Outreach.
8. Paymaster’s Report:
a. Dr. Chuck Junek passed out and read the Detachment’s Checking Accounts, ending 31 Mar,
as well as 30 Apr 2023. Both statements will be attached to the 4 May 2023 Minutes in
the Adjutant’s binder.
b. Dr. Junek informed everyone once again he has printed rifle raffle tickets to issue to all
Marines at tonight’s meeting. Please see Dr. Junek after the meeting.
c. Gary Campbell motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report. Jeff Davis seconded. Motion
9. Sick Call Report:
Chaplain Jim Reeves had nothing to report.
Adjutant Robert Hall informed the Detachment that Marine Gerald Rice is having health
issues, plus Gerald’s wife is having health issues. Keep both in your prayers.
10. Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall submitted completed forms
for those who were present for the funeral of WWII Marine Clifton “Red” Ratcliff.
11. Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely encouraged all Marines to pitch in and seek
donations from Golf Sponsors. To make this a success, please help!!
12. Honor Guard:
Many thanks to the Marines who took turns standing watch at Marine “Red” Ratcliff’s
casket during visitation. A special thank you to Mary Draughn for her kind words to
everyone present, prior to the funeral. Red’s daughter Vivian and her brothers were
very grateful and appreciative for our presence to an outstanding WWII Marine.
13. Marine Corps Birthday Ball:
a. Chairman Andrew Baggott reminded everyone this year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 Nov. It will
take place at Holiday Inn Hattiesburg-North.
b. Chairman Baggott spoke briefly about the Ball Committee.
14. Scholarship Committee: Chairman Robert Hall stated that the Detachment should be
receiving Riley G. Garrison’s transcript for the Spring 2023 semester, at which time, the
Scholarship Committee will determine payment to be made.
15. Old Business: No Report.
16. New Business:
a. A big thank you to everyone attending our recent Crawfish Boil at the new location.
b. 2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18 Aug
2023. This year is the 100 th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League.
c. 2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA. No dates were provided.
d. Past Department Commander Clif Addison spoke about this year’s MCL State Convention
which was held ay the I.P. Casino Resort Spa in Biloxi. Had a great turnout. Devil Dog Growl
was great. Thanks to those who attended.
e. Clif Addison spoke about the Marine Corps League Foundation. This program helps with
scholarships within the Marine Corps League. Clif Addison motioned that the Detachment
donate $100. Charlie Sheely seconded. Motion passed.
f. PLM (Paid Life Member): National Headquarters is increasing (doubling) the cost. First
increase in numerous years. Adjutant Robert Hall emailed the Detachment, stressing the
importance to take action. The new price increase takes effect 1 Jul 2023. Please
understand your paperwork must be in Paymaster Dr. Junek’s before 30 Jun 2023. This
MUST BE POSTMARKED BY MIDNIGHT 30 JUN 2023 for the less expensive charge.
Refer to the email sent on 24 April 2023 if you are in doubt.
Gerald Rice is the only Marine to take advantage of this.
g. Past Department Commander Clif Addison presented two streamers to Detachment
Andrew Baggott. The streamers will be placed on the Detachment flagstaff, along with
other streamers.
h. Past Department Commander Clif Addison asked his daughter, Kelsey McCarty, an
Associate in our Detachment, to step forward and receive this year’s 2023 Department
Associate of the Year. Kelsey was unable to attend the Department Convention for the
Presentation. Congratulations, Kelsey!
i. Mention was made the Marine Corps League has scholarships for grandchildren.
j. Memorial Day 2023 (Monday, 29 May): Adjutant Robert Hall will email and remind
everyone to be present as we pay our respects to Medal of Honor Henry Commiskey, Jack
Lucas, and Roy Wheat.
k. Memorial Day 2023 (Monday, 29 May): City of Hattiesburg’s 40 th annual Memorial Day
Program will take place at Veterans Memorial Park. More details later. Please wear the
undress uniform OR red polo shirt with your MCL cover.
j. Commandant Baggott talked about our Detachment participating in this year’s Veterans Day
Parade. Commandant Baggott asked Adjutant Robert Hall to investigate registering to
k. Clif Addison spoke about the building we are currently occupying. Please keep this quiet!
The building is not ours yet! Per Clif, another person has put a bid on this building. Clif is
Staying in contact with the county. In July of this year, the new Lamar County Sheriff’s
substation will be up and running. At that time, our building will cease being “the sheriff’s
substation.” When the time comes, Clif will request all of us attend the Lamar County
Supervisor’s meeting, wearing our red polo shirts and red covers. Per Clif, the bid being
offered is not that high. The Detachment could counter-offer, if voted for approval.
Hopefully in due time the building will be ours. No State funding this year from the county
to assist us. It will be re-submitted next year.
l. Leslie Hendrickson was recognized. Leslie informed everyone the Saturday, 8 Jul get
together at his house has been re-scheduled for the following Saturday, 15 Jul. Info will be
m. Clif reminded everyone about YANKY 72: Yearly memorial is scheduled for Saturday, 8 Jul.
Detachment 1073 played a big part in paying tribute to those Marines who lost their
lives. Thank you, Clif, for taking charge!
n. MCL National Convention was discussed. Location is Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18
Aug. Topic of reimbursement came up. Commandant Baggott asked Adjutant Hall to read
the Detachment Bylaws addressing guidance, which he did. Robert Robertson said he is
available. Mary Draughn stated herself and Lyn Franklin will attend the Convention
irregardless of Bylaws guidelines. Commandant Baggott will not be attending. Detachment
Judge Advocate Clif Addison will be attending the National Convention in an official capacity
and will therefore qualify for reimbursement, as stated in Section 615 (Expenses).
o. Wildlife Extravaganza: Dates are 28-30 Jul 2023 (Fri-Sun) in Pearl, MS. Clif Addison talked
about our Detachment will have a booth selling rifle raffle tickets, as well as recruiting new
blood. The booth is already paid for. We need volunteers to assist all three days. A couple
of hours here and there will give those working all three days a short break.
p. Pecan Festival: Dates are 29 Sep-1 Oct 2023 (Fri-Sun) at Fulmer’s Farmstead in Beaumont,
MS. Robert Robertson will contact Fulmer’s and request a better location than last year.
Once again, we set up a booth to sell rifle raffle tickets. Last year, we signed up several
Marines who joined our Detachment. We intend to do the same recruiting this year.
q. Vet Fest: Date is Saturday, 20 May (Armed Forces Day), starting at 1000 hours, Town Square
Park, 101 Buschman Street, Hattiesburg. Another opportunity to sell rifle raffle tickets and
recruit new blood. We need volunteers! Dr. Junek will arrive at 0900 hours to set up our
selling rifle raffle tickets.
r. Mary Draughn talked about providing veteran goody bags. Another suggestion from Mary
was having thank you cards and/or Christmas cards present at some of our rifle raffle events
and ask visitors to sign the cards, where allowed. The cards can be presented to veterans.
Great morale booster idea, Mary!
s. Jeff Davis mentioned an upcoming event at Beauvoir. Dates are 10-12 November. Free booth
available at Beauvoir if anyone is interested. Thanks, Jeff.
t. Kelsey McCarty was asked about the status of our Detachment’s website. Kelsey requested
photos for each officer. She will post on the website. Kelsey said the website is only as good
and relevant she receives from the Detachment. Maybe some communication protocol can
be worked out to ensure approved info is posted.
Web address is:
u. Kelsey McCarty talked about our CD. Paymaster Dr. Junek stated our CD matures in July.
Dr. Junek stated we, the Detachment, will vote in June on what action we choose to take,
Once the CD matures.
v. FACEBOOK can be used to access Detachment info. Jeff Davis said photos can be sent to
Kelsey for the Detachment’s website.
w. Hugh Robinson informed everyone about Marine Rocky Hartfield. Please keep Rocky in
your prayers and for better days ahead.
x. Jeff Davis has a Marine Corps 5-Ton truck. Will bring to a later meeting for show and tell.
The vehicle will have Marine Corps logo on it.
y. As of 1 Jul 2023, you can acquire two car tags, plus a motorcycle tag, for the cost of $1 each.
You must have 70% or greater disability to qualify. BRING PROOF OF DISABILITY!
17. Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of the
18. Commandant Baggott requested Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.
The American flag was retired.
19. Sergeant at Arms W.C. Maples recited closing remarks.
20. Next official meeting will be Thursday, 4 Jun 2023, when it will be re-opened
for the transaction of official business.
21. Meeting concluded at 1916 hours.