Commiskey-Wheat Detachment #1073
Marine Corps League, Department of Mississippi

Meeting Minutes Docs

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January 2024 - General Meeting

  • Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (map)

Roll Call of Officers:     

Commandant:  Charlie Sheely                                                            Absent; Excused

Senior Vice Commandant:  Hugh Robinson                                     Present

Junior Vice Commandant:  Mark Retcho                                          Present

Judge Advocate:  Clif Addison                                                            Present

Adjutant:  Robert Hall                                                                          Present

Paymaster:  Dr. Chuck Junek                                                              Present                                              

Chaplain:  Jim Reeves                                                                          Present

Sgt. at Arms:  W.C. Maples                                                                 Present

Web Sgt:  Kelsey McCarty                                                                   Absent

Junior Past Commandant:  Andrew Baggott                                   Absent


NOTE:  Twenty-five (25) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.


Quorum:  At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and

appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members

must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members

present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any

matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.

Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.

Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.

Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.


1.    Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the    

Pledge of Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.

2.  Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.

3.  Roll Call of Officers by Adjutant Robert Hall.

4.  In the absence of Commandant Sheely, Senior Vice Commandant Hugh Robinson welcomed

     everyone to tonight’s meeting. 

     a.  Judge Advocate Clif Addison informed everyone that only current members and current

          associates are allowed to remain. All others must leave the room.

     b.  One attendee was neither of the above, but was presented an application to fill out and be

           allowed to remain.

     c.  Several Applications for Associate Membership tonight. They are: Diane Hansen, Tony Petro,

     and Cheri Smith. Acting Commandant Hugh Robinson requested all three assemble in front of the

     room as he performed the Oath of Membership for Associate members.  The entire room

     erupted in a resounding round of applause. Welcome aboard!

   5. Minutes from 2 November 2023:  Mark Retcho motioned to abstain reading those  

       Minutes, as they have been emailed to the membership. Clif Addison seconded.  Motion


  6. Correspondence:  Adjutant Robert Hall read the following:  #1 Thank you card from Carolyn

      Pressley, thanking Detachment 1073 for their donation to the Homes of Hope, in honor of her

      mother Carolyn Welborn. Carolyn’s late husband David Welborn was a Life member of this

      Detachment and a past Detachment Commandant.  #2 Thank you card from Homes of Hope

      thanking our Detachment for our gracious donation of $100 in memory of Carolyn Welborn.                          

 7.  Paymaster’s Report

     a. Dr. Chuck Junek started informing the membership about the current Financial Report.  Robert

         Robertson motioned to not allow Dr. Junek to discuss the Financial Reports. After a short period

         of time, Robert Robertson withdrew his motion. My notes reflect W.C. Maples and Leslie

         Hendrickson wanted Dr. Junek to hold his report to no more than five minutes. Reason being

         various Financial Reports are placed on a table for members to pick up and absorb on their own.

     b.  Dr. Chuck Junek provided handouts to all attendees, including: #1 Detachment’s Checking

          Account, ending 31 December 2023; #2 Detachment 1073 Budget, FYE 30 Jun 2024; #3 Gun

          Raffle Recap; #4 2023 Marine Corps Ball Recap; #5 2023 Golf Tournament Recap.

          All five handouts will be attached to the 4 January 2024 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.

     c.  Leslie Hendrickson supported Dr. Junek providing detailed information to the Detachment.

     d.  My handwritten Minutes reflect no one motioned to accept the Paymaster’s Report.

  8.  Sick Call Report:

     Jim Reeves:

    a.  Commandant Sheely absent tonight, as his son was dealing with a 103-degree temperature.        

    b.  Rocky Hartfield informed he is scheduled for surgery today.

    c.  Smokey Hartfield informed he was sick today and could not attend.

    d.  David Hill is in Mobile, Al today having an MRI, requested by his Parkinson’s doctor.

    e.  Lucky Martin was present at tonight’s meeting. Lucky has been dealing with eye issues lately.

9.  Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Senior Vice Commandant Robinson asked if anyone had

     any hours to turn in. Adjutant Hall maintains this data on his computer. This vital info is used

     when creating our Detachment Quarterly Report, a requirement by MCL Dept of Mississippi.

   10. Golf Tournament:  Adjutant Robert Hall stated several Golf Committee members will visit two

          golf courses and seek prices for golfers, plus food costs. Once this is accomplished, the

          Committee will meet and revise/update this year’s 2024 Golf Tournament brochure. Once

          approved, 250 to 300 brochures will be printed for distribution.

   11.  Honor Guard:  No Report.  

12.  Marine Corps Birthday Ball:  

     a.  Mark Retcho mentioned the Ball Committee needs to look at reducing overall costs.

     b.  Dr. Junek informed the membership the Detachment budgeted $5,000. The overall cost, per

     Dr. Junek, was $5,800.

     c.  Keep in mind the Ball is not a money-making event. We keep the cost per person as low as

     possible to allow everyone the opportunity to be part of celebrating the Marine Corps birthday.

     d.  Van Alford volunteered to assist on the Ball Committee.

13.  Scholarship Committee:  No Report.                                                      

 14.  Old Business:  No Report.

 15.  New Business:

       a.  Upcoming Rifle Raffle: #1 Van Alford is donating a Ruger 22 caliber long barrel rifle. Thank you,

       Van! #2 Tony Petro is donating an M-1 Garand rifle. The rifle belonged to his father, Eddie, a

       Marine. Thank you, Tony!

       b.  Jeff Davis suggested maybe having two separate rifle raffles down the road.

       c.  Building Manager’s Report by Clif Addison: Clif met with an engineer in regards with the

       flooding issues the Detachment has experienced.

       d.  Mary Draughn talked about the recent Wreaths across America at Highland Cemetery. Mary is

       under the impression the local D.A.R. Chapter may be considering ceasing their involvement. That

       being the case, Mary Draughn suggested Detachment 1073 take responsibility for Wreaths across

       America in Hattiesburg.  Mary Draughn and Lyn Franklin are more than willing to guide us on this

       new venture. Remember: We are honoring deceased veterans.  

       e.  Mark Retcho talked about fundraising via a cruise. Per Mark, the Detachment would go

       through a travel agent and get vouchers and use anytime.  Mark knows more about this than the

       members do. Mary Draughn suggested maybe tickets to be $100 (just a suggestion).

       f.  Someone talked about having two (2) gun raffles.  Lyn Franklin suggesting tabling the gun raffle

       discussion until the 1 Feb meeting.

       g.  W.C. Maples suggested it would be wise to have a Gun Raffle Committee to oversee the

       events. My Minutes reflect no one volunteered themselves to be part of the Gun Raffle


       h.  Associate member Cynthia Junek was recognized. Cynthia talked about the Super Bowl

       football pool to raise additional funds for the Detachment. Cynthia created a football pool board

       on the wall in the rear of the building.

       i.  Lyn Franklin was recognized. Lyn informed everyone she is the Historian for your Detachment.

       Lyn asked everyone to share articles and/or photos to help preserve the Detachment history. Lyn

       has knowledge in this area. Lyn is counting everyone’s input and support.

       j.  Leslie Hendrickson suggested disbursing toys collected next time.

       k. Senior Vice Commandant Robinson asked Clif Addison to speak briefly about last month’s Toy

       Drive.  Over 150 toys were collected.  Clif coordinated with the Lamar County Sheriff’s

       Department, who in turn found worthy, needy children. That is what Christmas is all about.

       Makes you feel good, knowing you are helping a needy family have a joyous Christmas.

       l.  Clif Addison introduced Wayne White, manager of Lowe’s, Hwy 98. 

       m.  Mary Draughn was recognized. Mary informed everyone about the recent commissioning of

       the USS Jack H. Lucas Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer (DDG-125). This special event took place on 7

       Oct 2023 in Tampa, FL. Also attending was Clif Addison.  Mary showed everyone a beautiful

       photo of the ship.  Mary also had the program for the commissioning.  An awesome book Mary

       held will be donated to the Detachment.  Thank you, Mary, for explaining the significance of


       n.   New Associate Cheri Smith was recognized. Cheri thanked Detachment 1073 for allowing her

       to be part of a great organization.

       o.  Clif Addison informed everyone he has caps for sale. Cost is $20 per cap. $5 of the sale

       goes to the Detachment.     

       p.  Emil Zimmermann was recognized. Emil informed everyone if you are between 70%-90%

       disabled, you need a letter to renew your vehicle tag.  Questions? Contact Emil.

       q.  Van Alford was recognized. Van said if anyone has questions about the VA system, ask him.

       r.  Lyn Franklin was recognized. Lyn mentioned for the third time at Highland Cemetery, a

       veteran’s headstone is in disrepair.  City of Hattiesburg, in charge of the cemetery, is not

       authorized to do anything.  Sadly, no living relatives for this veteran to seek help. Lyn said the

       veteran is buried in Section 15, Row 12.  Lyn is asking for anybody in the Detachment to meet her

       at Highland, survey what needs to be done, and hopefully bring the headstone back close to its

       original condition. In closing, Lyn is counting on one of us to act. Clif Addison offered his services.

       Also, Jeff Davis offered his services. Thank you, Clif, and thank you, Jeff!!

16.  Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently

        deceased Marines. They were:  Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, Clifton “Red” Ratcliff,

        Vernon B. Bunnell, and James (Jim) Aust.

17.   Senior Vice Commandant Robinson requested Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples declare the meeting   

         officially closed.  The American flag was retired.

18.   Junior Vice Commandant Mark Retcho recited closing remarks.

19.   Next official meeting will be Thursday, 1 Feb 2024, when it will be re-opened

         for the transaction of official business.                                               

20.   Meeting concluded at 1924 hours.


Respectively Submitted

Robert Hall, Adjutant

Earlier Event: October 12
September 2023 - General Meeting