Detachment 1073 Minutes Date: 3 August 2023 Time: 1811 hours
Roll Call of Officers:
Commandant: Andrew Baggott Present
Senior Vice Commandant: Charlie Sheely Present
Junior Vice Commandant: Hugh Robinson Present
Judge Advocate: Clif Addison Present
Adjutant: Robert Hall Present
Paymaster: Dr. Chuck Junek Present
Chaplain: Jim Reeves Present
Sgt. at Arms: W.C. Maples Present
Web Sgt: Kelsey McCarty Present
Junior Past Commandant: Robert Robertson Present
NOTE: Twenty (20) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.
Quorum: At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and
appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members
must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members
present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any
matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.
Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.
Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.
Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.
1. Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.
2. Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.
3. Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Andrew Baggott.
4. Commandant Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.
No applications for membership tonight.
5. Minutes from 1 June 2023: Clif Addison motioned to abstain reading those minutes.
Jeff Davis seconded. Motion passed.
6. Correspondence:
a. Adjutant Robert Hall read a card from Twentieth Star, DAR, thanking Detachment
1073 for its generous donation towards Wreaths across America. Hattie Phalen
encouraged all of us to join together at Highland Cemetery on Saturday, 16 December, to
placed wreaths on veterans’ graves.
7. Paymaster’s Report:
a. Dr. Chuck Junek read the Detachment’s Checking Accounts, ending 30 June and 31 July
2023. Both statements will be attached to the 3 August 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s
b. Dr. Junek informed everyone Detachment 173 assisted at the Wildlife Extravaganza. Their
assistance is very much appreciated.
c. Dr. Junek motioned that Detachment 1073 cut a check in the amount of $500 to
Detachment 173. W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed.
d. Clif Addison motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report. Jeff Davis seconded. Motion
8. Sick Call Report:
Hugh Robinson briefed everyone on Rocky Hartfield. Rocky is not recovering very well and
is in a lot of pain.
W.C. Maples briefed everyone on Gerald Rice’s wife’s health issues. Gerald cannot leave
her alone. That is why Gerald cannot attend the meetings.
9. Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall turned in to Commandant
Baggott numerous past events for documentation.
10. Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely encouraged all Marines to pitch in and seek
donations from Golf Sponsors. To make this a success, please help!!
Adjutant Robert Hall placed golf brochures on the table for anyone desiring to solicit.
11. Honor Guard: No Report.
12. Marine Corps Birthday Ball:
a. This year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 November 2023. Kelsey McCarty stated there will be
further updates at the 7 September meeting.
13. Scholarship Committee: No Report.
14. Old Business: No Report.
15. New Business:
a. Adjutant Robert Hall, for record, read the entire proposed Quorum amendment, which will
be voted on tonight. Robert Robertson motioned to accept the Quorum amendment as
read. W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed. The exact wording can be found at the
beginning of the Minutes.
b. Clif Addison was recognized and proceeded discussing the possible acquisition of the
building. The County cannot outright give us the building. The Detachment must submit a
bid. Lamar County will run a two-week notice in the newspaper, as required by law. The
actual bid submission takes place on Thursday, 24 August, at 1000 hours.
c. W.C. Maples was recognized and asked about rules. Does Lamar County have to accept the
highest bid? Clif replied saying the Detachment will prepare a high and low bid. Suddenly,
Commandant Baggott started hollering at W.C., telling him end of discussion while banging the
gavel. Clif Addison, Charlie Sheely and Robert Hall asked the Commandant to tone it down. As the
drama continued one Marine quickly left the meeting. This conduct disrupted the remainder of the
meeting. There was a sense of unrest in the air.
d. Jeff Davis stated it is worth it to stay at our current location.
e. W.C. Maples reminded everyone the Detachment would be obligated to pay any taxes plus
utilities. W.C.’s concern are the expenses will kill us.
f. Jeff Davis motioned we do a high bid of $30,000 and a low bid of $12,000. Bob Cox
seconded. Call for a vote. Motion passed. Bottom line: Do not bid over $30,000!
g. Hugh Robinson asked if the building had flooding problems.
h. Clif Addison will re-submit next year to the State Legislature to request monies to resolve
flooding issues.
i. Charlie Sheely motioned that the Detachment do its homework, to include a yearly
budget, plus research costs to be incurred. W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed.
j. Emil Zimmermann reminded everyone the previous occupants was Lamar County VFD.
Clif Addison will ask Grant Hartfield, Lamar County Rep, about tax costs.
k. Gene Christen said if we buy the building and get in a bind, we can still sell, if needed.
l. Clif Addison further stated this building is rated COMMERCIAL.
m. Jeff Davis stated he will purchase the building if we cannot afford it.
n. Mark Retcho motioned that $300 be approved for Beauvoir on the MS Gulf Coast.
Dates are 10-12 November 2023. Money is needed to purchase trophies. W.C. Maples
seconded. Motion passed. This is the first year for the ongoing event.
o. 2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18 Aug
2023. This year is the 100th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League.
p. 2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA. No dates were provided.
q. Wildlife Extravaganza: This event was a resounding success! Thanks to Clif, Chuck and
Charlie, as they volunteered their time all three days.
r. Pecan Festival: Dates are 29 Sep-1 Oct 2023 (Fri-Sun) at Fulmer’s Farmstead in Beaumont,
MS. Thanks to Dottie Robertson, the Detachment has a spot at no charge!
Once again, we set up a booth to sell rifle raffle tickets. Last year, we signed up several
Marines who joined our Detachment. We intend to do the same recruiting this year.
s. Lucky Martin spoke about the benefits from a Scholarship. Lucky’s son is now a doctor,
working at the Pentagon. All this because of qualifying for a scholarship.
t. Jeff Davis mentioned a Marine from California needed a set of dress blues for L/CPL. Jeff
did not know if our Detachment could help. A member suggested Jeff contact the Marine
and seek help from a California MCL Detachment. Size needed is: Trousers 30x32;
Jacket 38R.
16. Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently
deceased Marines. They were: Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, and Clifton “Red” Ratcliff.
17. Commandant Baggott requested Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.
The American flag was retired.
18. Senior Vice Commandant recited closing remarks.
19. Next official meeting will be Thursday, 7 Sep 2023, when it will be re-opened
for the transaction of official business.
20. Meeting concluded at 1910 hours.
Respectively Submitted
Robert Hall, Adjutant