Roll Call of Officers:
Commandant: Andrew Baggott Present
Senior Vice Commandant: Mark Retcho Present
Junior Vice Commandant: David Hill Present
Judge Advocate: Mark Retcho Present
Adjutant: Robert Hall Present
Paymaster: Dr. Chuck Junek Present
Chaplain: Jim Reeves Present
Sgt. at Arms: Charlie Sheely Present
Junior Past Commandant: Robert Robertson Absent
NOTE: Fourteen (14) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.
1. Acting Sgt at Arms W.C. Maples secured quarters, presented the Colors and led in singing the Marine Corps hymn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.
3. Roll Call of Officers by Commandant Baggott.
4. Commandant Andrew Baggott welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.
No applications for membership tonight.
5. Minutes from 2 Feb 2023: Mark Retcho motioned to abstain reading those minutes.
Jim Reeves seconded. Motion passed. I approve the minutes not being read.
Correspondence: No correspondence this meeting.
6. Paymaster’s Report:
a. Dr. Chuck Junek passed out and read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 28 Feb 2023. This statement will be attached to the 2 Mar 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.
b. Dr. Junek informed everyone he has printed rifle raffle tickets to issue to all Marines at tonight’s meeting.
c. Dr. Junek brought the rifle to be given away. The ticket states it is a Remington Model 700 ADL, 6.5mm Creedmoor, with a 3x9 Vortex Scope. Every Marine is encouraged to sell raffle tickets, please. One ticket is $5 or 5 tickets for $20. The drawing will be held at this year’s Marine Corps Ball on Saturday, 18 Nov 2023. Thanks to Clif Addison for purchasing the weapon on behalf of our Detachment.
d. Jim Reeves motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report. W.C. Maples seconded. Motion passed.
7. Sick Call Report:
Chaplain Jim Reeves had nothing to report, but asked Robert Hall to brief everyone on the death of WWII Marine Clifton E. “Red” Ratcliff.
Adjutant Robert Hall briefed on the following: Red’s daughter, Vivian, informed me of Red’s death on Wednesday, 1 Mar 2023. Red was 97 years young. Red was the last WWII veteran in Detachment 1073. Commandant Baggott encouraged all Marines to attend Red’s funeral on Monday, 6 Mar 2023. We intend to have Honor Guards standing by Red’s casket during visitation.
8. Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: No Report.
9. Golf Committee: Chairman Charlie Sheely informed everyone Robert Hall has this year’s golf brochure tonight.
10. Honor Guard: No Report.
11. Marine Corps Birthday Ball:
a. Chairman Andrew Baggott reminded everyone this year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 Nov.
12. Scholarship Committee: No Report.
13. Old Business: No Report.
14. New Business:
a. Department Commandant Clif Addison will preside over swearing in the new slate of officers for the upcoming term. All incoming officers were present, except for Junior Past Commandant Robert Robertson. For the record, those officer’s names were listed in the 2 Feb 2023 Minutes. Thanks, Clif, for swearing in the newly appointed officers.
b. 2023 MCL State Convention will take place at Imperial Palace, Biloxi. Early Birds arrive on 27 April. Convention is 28-30 April. The Banquet will take place at Boomtown Casino, Biloxi.
c. Commandant Baggott mentioned the following: An upcoming crawfish boil will take place at Clif Addison’s home. This event will be in lieu of the April Detachment meeting. Everyone agreed to do so. Family, friends, and potential new members are encouraged to attend.
d. 202MCL National Convention Commandant Clif Addison spoke about the recent Mid-Winter Conference in Norfolk, VA. Several new items of interest came to be. They are:
1. Quorum: 15% of the Detachment’s membership must be present when voting occurs. Our current membership number is “45”; therefore, 6.75 or 7 members must be present to vote on any matter.
2. Officers present: 51% on Detachment officers constitutes a quorum. Our Detachment
has eight officers; therefore, 4.08 or 4 officers meets the quorum criteria.
3. S.E. Division Conference takes place in Charleston, SC. Dates are 16-19 Mar 2023.
4. 2023 MCL National Convention takes place in Oklahoma City, OK. Dates are 14-18 Aug
2023. This year is the 100th Anniversary of The Marine Corps League.
5. 2024 MCL National Convention takes place in Palm Springs, CA. No dates were provided.
e. Commandant Baggott informed everyone our Detachment will have a new tentative location for monthly meetings starting 4 May. It is Oak Grove Senior Center, 5874 W. 4th Street, Hattiesburg. At this location, we can serve food, if desired. Meetings will still take place on the first Thursday. NOTE: 1800 hours for chow and/or shoot the bull; 1830 hours is starting time for meeting. Robert Robertson has a key to the building. At the new location, we can stay longer if business matters linger on. We are required to clean up before we leave the building. Dr. Junek motioned for the Detachment to move to the Oak Grove Senior Center on W. 4th Street. Hugh Robinson seconded. Motion passed.
f. Clif Addison then informed the Detachment that plans are in the works to acquire a vacate building on Weathersby Road, owned by Lamar County. Clif has been working diligently with the Lamar County Board of Supervisors to allow our Detachment to have a new, permanent home of our own. Still in talks, but looks very promising, per Clif. This Jun 2023 will be the earliest to confirm our acquisition. STAY TUNED!
g. Commandant Baggott will appoint two Marines to accompany Clif to look sat the property. Charlie Sheely and Dr. Junek have agreed to accompany Clif for an evaluation.
h. Clif Addison discussed the Young Marines Program. This program is highly encouraged by MCL National Headquarters. A former Marine, retired GY SGT, employed by C-Spire, has agreed to head this up when we acquire the Weathersby Road location. Per Clif, minimum age is eight years old, open to both boys and girls.
i. Rocky Hartfield mentioned there have been shootings lately in the Weathersby Road area.
j. Clif Addison added in regards to meetings: Make it fun. They will come.
k. Mark Retcho mentioned a Gun Show will take place this weekend in Laurel. Dr. Junek stated in past years neither the Laurel nor Hattiesburg Gun Shows yielded very little as far as raffle ticket sales.
l. Clif Addison motioned our Detachment needs to purchase an ad for the upcoming MCL S.E. Convention to offset expenses incurred by the host. Clif will work on the wording prior to submission. Walter Cook seconded. Motion passed.
m. Emil Zimmermann talked about the U.S. Park Service free veteran lifetime passes. Traveling? Consider a federal facility. Free admission for a entire vehicle. “Yearly Pass” or “Lifetime Pass” preferred.
15. Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of the
16. Commandant Baggott requested acting Sgt at Arms declare the meeting officially closed.
The American flag was retired.
17. Acting Sergeant at Arms W.C. Maples recited closing remarks.
18. Next official meeting will be Thursday, 4 May 2023, when it will be re-opened
for the transaction of official business.
19. Meeting concluded at 1854 hours.