Roll Call of Officers:
Commandant: Charlie Sheely Present
Senior Vice Commandant: Hugh Robinson Present
Junior Vice Commandant: Mark Retcho Present
Judge Advocate: Clif Addison Absent
Adjutant: Robert Hall Present
Paymaster: Dr. Chuck Junek Present
Chaplain: Jim Reeves Present
Sgt. at Arms: W.C. Maples Absent
Web Sgt: Kelsey McCarty Present
Junior Past Commandant: Andrew Baggott Absent
NOTE: Seventeen (17) in attendance, per the sign-in roster.
Quorum: At least fifty-one (51) percent of the elected and
appointed officers, and fifteen (15) percent of the members
must be present to constitute a quorum. A majority of the members
present at any meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of any
matter voted upon by the members, except noted in the Bylaws.
Officers: 51% equates to a minimum of six (6) must be present.
Members: 15% equates to a minimum of nine (9) must be present.
Therefore, this meeting has fulfilled the requirement for a Quorum.
Acting Sgt at Arms Smokey Hartfield secured quarters, presented the Colors, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance, then led in singing the Marine Corps hymn.
2. Opening Prayer by Chaplain Jim Reeves.
3. Roll Call of Officers by Adjutant Robert Hall.
4. Commandant Sheely welcomed everyone to tonight’s meeting.
Several Applications for Membership tonight. They are: Henry Arceneaux and George Brown.
Welcome aboard, Marines!
Commandant Sheely had the honor in swearing in Marines Henry Arceneaux and George Brown.
Both Marines are Vietnam vets. Welcome home, Brothers!
Chaplain Jim Reeves gave a special prayer for the new Detachment members.
5. Minutes from 14 September 2023: Robert Robertson motioned to abstain reading those
Minutes. Hugh Robinson seconded. Motion passed.
6. Correspondence: No Report.
7. Paymaster’s Report:
a. Dr. Chuck Junek read the Detachment’s Checking Account, ending 30 September 2023. The
statement will be attached to the 5 October 2023 Minutes in the Adjutant’s binder.
b. Per Dr. Junek, his records show the Detachment has eight (8) unpaid members.
c. Mark Retcho motioned to approve the Paymaster’s Report. Bob Cox seconded. Motion
8. Sick Call Report:
Jim Reeves gave an update on Walter Cook’s daughter.
Walter requested everyone pray for a positive outcome for his daughter.
NOTE: Walter informed Adjutant Hall his daughter’s health is improving and is at home. Her
Vision has returned. She will start radiation treatments soon.
Rocky Hartfield is present tonight. Rocky is feeling better, but asked for continued prayers.
Smokey Hartfield is present tonight. Smokey had bloodwork done Monday, along with his AFib,
but is asking for continued prayers.
9. Veterans Hours, Mileage and Expense: Adjutant Robert Hall encouraged all members to email to
him any event pertaining to the Detachment, including date, mileage and total hours included.
Adjutant Hall recently submitted the Detachment Quarterly Report to Department Adjutant for
period July to September 2023. Adjutant Hall further stated he intends to maintain the
Detachment Quarterly Report and submit any relevant veteran support in a timely manner to
Department Adjutant.
10. Golf Tournament: Chairman Charlie Sheely reminded everyone this year’s Jack Lucas Golf
Tournament is next Monday, 9 October. Volunteers are seriously needed to make this fun.
11. Honor Guard: No Report.
12. Marine Corps Birthday Ball:
a. This year’s Ball is Saturday, 18 November 2023. Kelsey McCarty informed everyone this year’s
2023 Ball will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on W. 4th Street.
b. Semi-Formal dress. Red Jackets if you have one, but you must wear the appropriate required
clothing to make it official.
c. Color Guard will wear the undress uniform.
d. Social begins at 1800 hours, followed by the banquet at 1830 hours.
e. Price per person will remain $35.00.
f. Invitations will come by snail mail. Please respond with your check in a timely manner.
13. Scholarship Committee: No Report.
14. Old Business: No Report.
15. New Business:
a. Associate member Cynthia Junek was recognized. Cynthia talked about the Superbowl Pool.
Cynthia suggested having only one of these pools this time. $10 per square. $100 will be awarded
at the conclusion of each quarter. Four (4) people could win $400 for the Superbowl game. Date
of Superbowl is 11 Feb 2024. Mark Retcho motioned to conduct one (1) game per year at $10
per square. John Lofton seconded. Motion passed.
NOTE: Cynthia is confident this will be an easy way to raise funds, as we have fiscal
responsibilities facing us, with building expenses and insurance.
b. Henry Arceneaux spoke about the Collins Veterans’ Home. Henry is the Chaplain at Collins
Veterans’ Home. Henry stated there are veterans at the Collins Home in need of a regular
Wheelchair. If anyone out there can help, let Henry know. Henry stressed walkers and
crutches, for safety’s sake, ARE NOT NEEDED.
c. Henry Arceneaux invited Chaplain Jim Reeves to any Wednesday prayer service.
d. Henry Arceneaux did state the veterans need t-shirts and white socks.
e. Commandant Sheely said he and his family are leaving tomorrow for a family reunion
in Louisiana.
f. Smokey Hartfield was recognized. Smokey informed everyone about Navy Seal John
Stephens. John has heart problems. John currently resides at Brookdale Assisted Living,
Apt. 226, located off S. 28th Avenue. No one looks after him. His family has abandoned him.
Smokey is paying his cell phone monthly bill. A love offering was passed around. $150 was
collected. John’s family has Power of Attorney, which means they have control over his
g. Dr. Chuck Junek motioned for Clif Addison to be the chair for the Building Committee. Hugh
Robinson seconded. Motion passed. Those interested in assisting Clif, inform Dr. Junek.
h. Dr. Junek informed everyone our Detachment needs to seriously consider submitting a
name for Department Marine of the Year. Adjutant Robert Hall motioned for that person to
be Dr. Chuck Junek. Robert Robertson seconded. Motion passed.
i. Hot Rods for Heroes: Thanks to Dr. Chuck Junek and his wife Cynthia for volunteering their
time selling rifle raffle tickets.
j. Laurel Gun Show: Thanks to Charlie Sheely, W.C. Maples, Leslie Hendrickson, Smokey
Hartfield, Ben and Mary Draughn, and Lyn Franklin for volunteering their time selling rifle
raffle tickets.
k. Pecan Festival: Thanks to Ben and Mary Draughn, Lyn Franklin, Robert Robertson, Charlie
Sheely, Clif Addison, Mark Retcho and Robert Hall for volunteering their time selling rifle
raffle tickets.
16. Chaplain Jim Reeves conducted the closing prayer and read the names of recently
deceased Marines. They were: Royce Nation, Wiley Sellers, Clifton “Red” Ratcliff,
Vernon B. Bunnell, and James (Jim) Aust.
17. Commandant Sheely requested acting Sgt at Arms Smokey Hartfield declare the meeting officially closed.
The American flag was retired.
18. Senior Vice Commandant Hugh Robinson recited closing remarks.
19. Next official meeting will be Thursday, 2 Nov 2023, when it will be re-opened
for the transaction of official business.
20. Meeting concluded at 1935 hours.
Respectively Submitted
Robert Hall, Adjutant