Section I. Purpose
This Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) will serve as guidance for the Budget and Fundraising Committee of the Commiskey-Wheat Detachment in their management and expenditure of Detachment funds.
Section II. Membership of the Budget and Fundraising Committee
This committee will be chaired by the Senior Vice-Commandant.
The Commandant will be an ex-officio member.
The Paymaster will be a permanent member.
The Adjutant will be a permanent member.
Two other members will be selected and approved by the Detachment membership for a period of two years service beginning in January of odd numbered years.
Section III. Duties of the Budget and Fundraising Committee
Develop an annual budget, each December, based on projected needs of the Adjutant, Paymaster, Commandant and other officers and Committee Chairpersons.
Review and approve requests for expenditures of Detachment funds for $500 or less.
Receive, evaluate and recommend fund-raising projects for Detachment membership consideration and approval.
Section IV. Procedures of the Budget and Fundraising Committee
The Budget and Fundraising Committee will meet at the times requested by the Senior Vice-Commandant.
A minimum of four (4) committee members must be present to complete any Detachment business.
The Adjutant will keep the minutes for each meeting and report any business to the Detachment membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
The committee will consider the mission of the Marine Corps League in all decisions concerning allocation of funds.
All requests for funds must include complete justification. Persons requesting funds may be required to meet with the Budget and Fundraising Committee to explain their request.
Decisions on expenditure of funds will be made on a 3/5 majority vote. The Commandant will cast a vote to break any ties.
If a request is not approved, the person making the request may appeal the decision to the Budget and Fundraising Committee, but, significant additional information will be required to ensure the request meets the mission of the Marine Corps League.
Budget and Fundraising Committee approvals for expenditures within the limit imposed by this SOP, will be paid by check by the Paymaster by following Detachment Bylaws.
The Budget and Fundraising Committee may audit the records of the Paymaster when necessary or as directed by the Commandant.
A Detachment member may request reimbursement for personal funds he/she spent for completing duly authorized business of the Detachment. To recoup these funds, the person must get approval from 100% of the Budget and Fundraising Committee. This exception is to be used in highly unusual circumstances where a member cannot wait for review and approval by the Budget and Fundraising Committee.
Oversight of Fundraising Activities.
The Budget and Fundraising Committee will solicit, encourage and promote ideas for fundraising to assist the Detachment.
Members having fundraising ideas will bring them to any member of the committee and the Budget and Fundraising Committee will provide assistance to the originator of the idea in translating the idea into a coherent proposal for the Detachment's consideration.
Minimum requirements for a finished proposal are:
An overview of the project.
A time-frame for the project, including end date and significant milestones.
A viable estimate of anticipated "seed" money required to implement the project.
A list of other resources needed, i.e., man-hours, equipment, etc.
A viable projection of total expenditures by the Detachment.
A viable projection of total revenue return on the investment.
Names of the Project Chairman and possible members of the Project Committee.
When the proposal is complete, the sponsor will present it to the Budget and Fundraising Committee to determine if the proposal is feasible from a fiscal standpoint.
The Budget and Fundraising Committee will include their fiscal evaluation as part of the presentation to the Detachment membership, but will not make any recommendations to the membership except for the fiscal viability of the proposal.
Once the Budget and Fundraising Committee forwards the proposal to the Commandant, it will be presented to the membership for a vote.
If approved by the membership, the Budget and Fundraising Committee will maintain liaison with the Project Committee in implementing the project.
Section V. Ethical Code for the Budget and Fundraising Committee
The members of the Budget and Fundraising Committee will be guided in their deliberations by the knowledge that they are the custodians of the Detachment's money. The Budget and Fundraising Committee members will base all decisions on an analysis of what is best for the Commiskey-Wheat Detachment as a whole.